Points need to know when organizing your mulberry silk thread - Fullflowers

Points need to know when organizing your mulberry silk thread

Natural mulberry silk thread is a type of animal fiber, which is more fragile compared to ordinary synthetic silk thread. When handling mulberry silk thread, care should be taken, and the following points should be noted:

  • Do not pull violently when splitting or combing the mulberry silk thread.
  • Before tying the silk thread, repeatedly rub sandpaper or tissue paper on the stick to remove the burrs on the stick, making the stick smoother and avoiding hooking the thread.
  • Do not rub the silk thread with your hands, because Untwisted Mulberry Silk Thread has a lower degree of twist than Embroidery Mulberry Silk Thread, and the thread can easily become loose.
  • Avoid long-term pressure with heavy objects, as silk thread is a natural animal fiber, and long-term pressure will change its characteristics.
  • If the stratum corneum on your hand is thick or there are burrs, to avoid hook the silk thread, please trim the burrs on your hand first, soak your hand in warm water for a while to soften the stratum corneum on your hand, dry your hand after soaking, and apply a small amount of hand cream or lotion on your hand. It should be noted that do not apply too much hand cream or lotion, and before sorting the silk thread, use tissue paper to absorb excess grease from the palm and fingers. Excess grease sticking to the thread will cause the thread to stick together.
  • Do not expose silk thread to the sun for too much time, long-term exposure to sunlight will reduce its gloss and elasticity, affecting its lifespan.
  • If the Untwisted Mulberry Silk Thread is accidentally wetted, please hang it in a cool and dry place to dry, do not blow it with a hairdryer, do not place it in a windy vent. Compared with ordinary embroidery thread, Untwisted Mulberry Silk Thread has a lower degree of twist. If the wind is too strong or blows for too long, the thread will become loose and difficult to manage.
  • If grease accidentally sticks to the thread and sticks together, you can absorb it with tissue paper or oil-absorbing paper, or wash it with clean water. Do not rub the thread with your hands when washing.
  • If the thread has become loose, you can spray a little water, but do not spray too much. After spraying, gently stroke it with your hand (you can also spray water if static electricity occurs), find the place where it is not loose to pull out, it will not affect the use.
  • Only one thread can be pulled out at a time when pulling out the thread.
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