Ball Shape - Fullflowers

Ball Shape - Handcraft Ronghua Tutorial

Ball Shape

Materials and Tools: Natural mulberry silk threads, brass wires, Scissors, Twisting board

When arranging the velvet strips for the ball shape, pay attention to the spacing. Due to its unique shape, we will start with tying the mulberry silk threads.


1                                                        2

1. The mulberry silk threads for the ball shape should be thicker to ensure the strips are full.

2. Use brass wire to clamp the mulberry silk threads. Apply force with both hands simultaneously in opposite directions to twist the brass wire tightly.

3                                                          4

3. The spacing between the brass wires should be about 3.5 cm.
4. Position the scissors parallel to the brass wire and cut the mulberry silk threads in the middle between the two rows of brass wires.

 5                                                       6

5. The cut velvet strips should look like the ones shown in the picture.
6. Hold the ends of the brass wires with your fingers and gently align the edges of the velvet strips with the edge of the table.


7. Hold one end of the brass wire with one hand and the other end with the other hand, twisting the brass wire a few times.

 8                                                         9

8. Use the twisting board to densify the velvet strips, making sure all the silk are spread out.

9.The velvet strip is complete. The edges of the ball-shaped velvet strip should be wider than other strips.

10                                                        11

10. Use scissors to pinch and shape the top and bottom, ensuring the curves are smooth and rounded.
11. After trimming, you can cut off the upper end of the brass wire as needed during use.

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