How to Make a Hibiscus Chanhua Brooch

How to Make a Hibiscus Chanhua Brooch

5.5.1 Making the Vase
The vase is an important element in this Chanhua project. Unlike the vases in the previous two Chanhua projects, the vase in this section features special decorations on its body. This section will introduce the methods for creating and assembling the vase parts and explain how to make simple decorative patterns with brass wire.

A. Materials and Tools:
White cardstock, No.30 wire mesh flower wire, carbon pen, scissors, light pink, glitter pink, and bright red silk threads, 0.3mm diameter brass wire, white glue, alcohol glue

B. Making the Mouth and Base Parts

1                                                   2    

1. Use a carbon pen to draw the patterns of the vase parts on white cardstock. Cut them out with scissors and arrange them as shown in the illustration for easy access.

2. Wrap the base part with silk threads. After wrapping, bend the remaining wire back and thread it through the silk threads on the other side of the cardstock.


3. Use the same method to make the mouth part of the vase.


4. The vase body parts should be wrapped sequentially from the inside out. Take the middle two pieces of cardstock and a piece of wire, wrap them one by one, then join the two pieces of cardstock. Secure with silk threads at the base of the wire and continue wrapping with the third piece of cardstock.


5. After wrapping the third piece of cardstock, pass the silk threads through gap a and wrap around once. Continue wrapping with the fourth piece of cardstock, then gather and secure.

6                                                            7     

6. Take another piece of wire and silk threads to wrap the two outer parts, gathering the ends without securing them.
7. Assemble the vase body parts together, gathering and securing the bottom wires with silk threads.

8                                                            9

8. Take four 20cm long, 0.3mm diameter brass wires, wrapping two each with light pink and glitter pink silk threads.
9. Wrap the ends of the four wires together with red silk threads, arranging the wires horizontally in a flat shape.


10. Randomly coil the bound wires and apply white glue to the back. Let dry completely for 10-15 minutes.


11. Fix the wire coils to the front of the vase body with alcohol glue, trimming any excess.


12. Use alcohol glue to attach the mouth and base parts to the top and bottom of the vase body.

5.5.2 Making the Hibiscus
The hibiscus is the main element of this Chanhua project. To showcase the blooming hibiscus, this section will detail the methods for making two types of petals with different decorative elements, highlighting the layered effect when combined. This section will introduce the methods for making and assembling the hibiscus petals.

A. Materials and Tools:
White cardstock, carbon pen, scissors, 0.3mm diameter brass wire, pink and red silk threads, No. 30 wire mesh flower wire, chopsticks, seed beads

B. Making Brass Wire-edged Hibiscus Petals

1                                                         2      

1. Use a carbon pen to draw the hibiscus petal patterns on white cardstock and cut them out with scissors. You will need 8 large petals and 4 small petals, arranging them in groups for easy access.

2. Take a 20cm long, 0.3mm diameter brass wire and wrap it with pink silk threads along with flower wire. After starting, bend the brass wire upwards.


3. Continue wrapping with the cardstock, pulling the bent brass wire down when reaching the outer recess of the petal, and wrap around once with silk threads.

      4                                                       5

4. Wrap the brass wire once more with silk threads, pulling it from the back of the cardstock and tightening it.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 to complete the wrapping of the entire petal.


6. Bend the petal with a pen or chopsticks to create a natural curve.

7. Repeat these steps to make 3 large and 2 small brass wire-edged hibiscus petals.

C. Making Seed Bead-edged Hibiscus Petals


1. Take a 20cm long, 0.3mm diameter brass wire, threading seed beads onto it and securing them by threading the wire back through the beads at both ends.

2                                                              3

2. Wrap the beaded brass wire with red silk threads along with flower wire. After starting, bend the brass wire and continue wrapping with the cardstock.

3. After wrapping a certain distance, pull back the brass wire, adding seed beads of equal width to the already wrapped silk threads. Tighten and secure with silk threads.


4. Pull the brass wire upwards and continue wrapping the cardstock for a distance, then pull back the brass wire, adding seed beads and securing with silk threads. Repeat this process until the entire piece of cardstock is wrapped, then join and tie the ends of the cardstock together.
5. Repeat these steps to make 3 large and 2 small seed bead-edged hibiscus petals.

D. Combining the Hibiscus Petals


1. Combine a brass wire-edged hibiscus petal with a seed bead-edged hibiscus petal of the same size, placing one petal's back against the other. Leave two large petals uncombined and arrange the petals in groups for easy access.

                  2                                                               3

2. Secure the two sets of small petals at the stem with silk threads, then secure the three sets of large petals behind the small petals.

3. Place the two uncombined large petals in front of the small petals, securing them and adjusting the petal positions and shapes.

5.5.3 Final Assembly
After completing all parts, they need to be assembled together. This section introduces the methods for assembling the Chanhua and attaching it to the brooch.

A. Materials and Tools:
Silk threads, finished brooch, alcohol glue

B. Assembling the Parts

1                                                             2              

1. Use silk threads to combine the hibiscus and the vase, ensuring they are securely fixed.
2. Temporarily fix the Chanhua to the finished brooch with alcohol glue.


3. After 15 minutes, use silk threads to further secure the brooch and the Chanhua together.

Finished Product Display

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