How to Make Daffodil Chanhua

How to Make Daffodil Chanhua

5.2.1 Making the Daffodil
The daffodil is one of the main elements of this Chanhua, consisting primarily of petals and stamens, and requires repetitive creation. This subsection will introduce the steps for making the calyx and petals, as well as the assembly method for each part.

A. Materials and Tools:
White card paper, carbon pen, scissors, green and yellow silk threads, 30-gauge wire for mesh flowers, chopsticks, edge sealing liquid, alcohol glue, plaster stamens.

B. Making the Daffodil Petals

1                                                      2

1. Draw the patterns for 6 sets of daffodil petals on white card paper using a carbon pen. Each set of petals consists of two symmetrical pieces. Cut along the lines with scissors.

2. Split the green silk threads, merge them, hold a piece of wire in your left hand, and the silk thread in your right hand. Wind the thread from left to right for about 1 cm, then from right to left, covering the previously wound thread.


3. Sequentially add white card paper pieces to the wire using a serial connection method, ensuring the ends meet.


4. Complete the winding of all petals one by one. After winding each set of petals, gather and fix the two petals. Each daffodil has 6 sets of petals, with 3 sets on top and the other 3 sets on the bottom.

C. Making the Daffodil Stamens

1                                                        2

1. Draw the pattern for the daffodil stamens on white card paper and cut it out along the lines with scissors.

2. Take a piece of wire, leaving 2 cm at the end, and wrap it with yellow silk thread.


3. Continue wrapping with white card paper, ensuring to wrap an additional 2 cm on the wire after finishing.


4. Use chopsticks to curl the wrapped petals. To prevent slippage, apply edge sealing liquid to the back of the petals. Once the liquid is dry, curl them into a circle.

5                                                         6

5. Fix the petals with alcohol glue, merging the bottom wire.
6. Insert the plaster stamens in the middle of the curled petals, ensuring the stamens fill the interior.


7. Fix the petals and stamens together, slightly bending the petal tips and adjusting the wire positions.


8. Following the above steps, make a total of 9 daffodils and combine them as shown.

5.2.2 Making Auspicious Clouds
The auspicious cloud is another main element of this Chanhua, serving as a base for the combination and fixation of daffodils. This subsection will introduce the making of auspicious clouds and, in the process, explain how to combine the daffodils.

A. Materials and Tools:
White card paper, carbon pen, scissors, peacock blue silk threads, 30-gauge wire for mesh flowers, alcohol glue.

B. Making the Tail of the Auspicious Cloud

1                                                    2

1. Draw the pattern for the tail of the auspicious cloud on white card paper using a carbon pen and cut it out along the lines with scissors. Arrange as shown in the diagram.

2. Start winding from the position shown in the diagram. Add a larger piece of white card paper at the appropriate position and continue winding until you reach the first inward curve.

3                                                               4

3. Add two daffodils and secure them with a few rounds of silk thread winding.
4. Complete the winding and create a loop at the tip of the auspicious cloud tail for adding tassels later.


5. Add a smaller piece of white card paper and wind it, paying attention to the winding direction. After winding, gather and fix both ends.

C. Making the Head of the Auspicious Cloud

1                                                       2

1. Draw the pattern for the head of the auspicious cloud on white card paper and cut it out along the lines with scissors.

2. Leave about 3 cm of wire length and wrap it with silk thread. Continue wrapping with white card paper.

3                                                     4

3. Fold back the reserved wire to form the arc shown in the diagram. Place the remaining wire on the back of the white card paper and continue wrapping with silk thread.
4. Add a daffodil at the appropriate position and secure it with silk thread winding.


5. After winding the head of the auspicious cloud, leave about 12 cm of wire length and wrap it with silk thread. If the wire length is insufficient, add a long enough wire before finishing the winding.

6                                                    7

6. Coil the reserved wire into a spiral shape, then combine the head and tail of the auspicious cloud, fixing them with alcohol glue.
7. Refer to steps 1-3 to make another auspicious cloud head pattern and wind it to the position shown in the diagram.


8. Add 3 daffodils and secure them with silk thread winding. If winding on the front is inconvenient, wind from the back.

9                                                   10

9. After winding the entire auspicious cloud head, leave about 12 cm of wire length and wrap it with silk thread, then coil it into a spiral shape.
10. Combine the newly made auspicious cloud head with the previously assembled parts and fix the connection with alcohol glue.

D. Making Daffodils with Rings


1. Take two 20 cm long wires and wrap them with silk threads. Curl both ends to form two connected spiral rings for each wire.


2. Add the wires with the rings to the base of 3 daffodils, adjusting the position as needed.


3. Add the daffodils with the wire rings to the left side of the assembled auspicious cloud. Depending on the wire length, decide how to divide the protruding wires for subsequent curling operations.


5.2.3 Overall Assembly
The making and combining of the daffodils and auspicious clouds are nearly complete, but the Chanhua still needs to be assembled with the hairpin. This subsection will introduce how to assemble the daffodils and auspicious clouds with the hairpin.

A. Materials and Tools:
Silk threads, finished hairpin.

B. Assembling the Hairpin


1. Take a silk thread and thread it through the second hole of the finished hairpin.


2. Assemble the combined daffodils and auspicious clouds with the finished hairpin and secure them with several rounds of silk thread winding.


3. Coil the excess wire into a spiral shape, ensuring it is tightly attached to the hairpin.

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