Basic Techniques for Handling Silk - Fullflowers

Basic Techniques for Handling Silk - Handcraft Ronghua Tutorial

 Basic Techniques for Handling Silk

1                                    2                                   3

1.Straighten the Silk: Drape a large bundle of natural mulberry silk threads over your wrists and pull to straighten it.
2.Cut the Silk: Fold the large bundle in half and cut it.
3.Secure the Silk: Hold the upper end of the silk tightly to prevent it from scattering.

 4                                     5                                         6

4.Divide the Silk: Separate the large bundle into smaller bundles.
5.Tie the Silk: To facilitate storage and making of the silk strips, tie one end of the silk bundle using a single-direction knot.
6.Shake the Silk: Lift the silk and shake it to keep the strands straight.


7.Prevent Tangles: After fixing the upper end, pull the lower end of the silk to prevent tangling.


8.Adjust Width: Pinch the silk strip with two fingers to adjust its width as needed.

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