Practical Techniques—How to Make Curved Branches and Vines - Fullflowers

Practical Techniques—How to Make Curved Branches and Vines - Handcraft Ronghua Tutorial

Below are some practical techniques I've summarized for making Ronghua. You can use them as a reference.

How to Make Curved Branches and Vines

1. Prepare the Copper Wire: Use a piece of twisted copper wire (0.3mm or 0.4mm is suitable) and wrap a section of it with silk thread.


2. Bend and Wrap: Use pliers to bend the wrapped section of the wire, then continue wrapping the silk thread. After reaching the desired length, apply a small amount of B-7000 glue at the end to secure it.


3. Shape the Wire: Wrap the copper wire around a cylindrical rod, then remove it and adjust the shape as needed. Your decorative branch or vine is now complete.

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