How to Anneal Brass Wire - Fullflowers

How to Anneal Brass Wire - Handcraft Ronghua Tutorial

 Annealing Brass Wire

Annealing is a metal treatment process that involves heating metal to a certain temperature, maintaining that temperature for a suitable amount of time, and then cooling it. Annealed brass wire refers to brass wire that has been heat-treated to reduce its hardness, making it easier to use when crafting velvet strips.


 Winding the Brass Wire

1                                     2                                     3

1.Find an object about 14 to 15 centimeters in length. Here, I used a power bank.
2.Take out a spool of brass wire.
3.Vertically wind the wire around the object.

4                                                     5
4.Wind 400 to 500 loops.
5.Remove the wound wire from the object.
6.Use the tail end of the wire to tightly bind the loops, then wrap the end securely.
7.The winding process is complete.


 Annealing Process

1                                                           2

1.Place the wound wire in the middle of a gas stove (a stovetop can also be used).

2.Turn on the high heat and anneal for 6 to 7 minutes until the wire is red-hot.


3.After annealing, use tweezers to remove the wire and set it aside to cool.


4.Once cooled, cut the wire in half with scissors.


5.The wire should look like the image above once cut.


 Precautions for Annealing Brass Wire

  1. Use an open flame for annealing; a gas stove or stovetop will work. Minors should perform this under adult supervision.
  2. Ensure the wire is tightly bound to prevent it from breaking during the annealing process.
  3. Make sure the flame fully envelops the wire so that it turns uniformly red.
  4. Do not anneal the wire twice, as this can damage its ductility.
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