"Meticulous Painting of Sparrows" Step-by-Step Guide - Fullflowers

"Meticulous Painting of Sparrows" Step-by-Step Guide


1. Head, Chest, Abdomen, Back Feathers: Use medium ink to outline the fluffy areas with dashed lines. Use heavy ink for the beak, claws, primary and secondary feathers, flight feathers, and tail feathers. The lines for the fluffy areas should be faint, while those for the feathered areas should be fine and smooth. The lines for the beak and claws should be strong.


2. Background: Apply an antique base color wash over the entire background. Use light ink to shade the top of the head, chest, abdomen, back feathers, and rump feathers. Use medium ink to shade the beak from the shoulder towards the base. Apply medium ink evenly over the secondary feathers, leaving a waterline at the edges, and lightly shade the base.


3. Light-colored Areas: Invert paint all light-colored areas with white. The white spots on the feathered areas should be more pronounced. Apply a brown wash (ochre mixed with ink) over the head and back. Apply an ochre wash over the base of the secondary feathers, flight feathers, and tail feathers. Use indigo for the tips of the tail feathers and flight feathers. Paint the legs with white powder and then apply a light brown wash.


4. Detail Enhancement: Use heavy ink to highlight the areas around the eyes, beak, secondary feathers, flight feathers, and tail feathers. Use medium ink to dot black spots on the back and draw feather shafts. Color the claws with ochre ink, then highlight the scales and claw tips with white powder. Use white powder to redraw the eye rings and dot the eyes with burnt ink. Use medium ink and white powder to draw fine lines for the fluffy feathers on the head, back, chest, and cheeks. Use heavy ink for the feathered areas.


