Cutting Velvet Strips and Twisting Brass Wire - Ronghua(Velvet Flower) - Fullflowers

Cutting Velvet Strips and Twisting Brass Wire - Ronghua(Velvet Flower)

The content of this article is connected with “Binding brass Wire - Ronghua(Velvet Flower)”. After binding the Ronghua(Velvet Flower) with brass wire, the velvet strips need to be cut (as shown in Figure 1), and then twist the brass wire.

Cutting Velvet Strips

1.Carefully remove the velvet strip and place it on the cardboard. When cutting the velvet strip, try to keep it flat to prevent the brasswire from slipping off.

2.Cut from the middle part of the two brass wires, and try to keep the width of each velvet strip as consistent as possible.

3.When cutting the velvet strip, it should be cut at once, and there should be no pause in the middle. Therefore, use long scissors, and the scissors should be as sharp as possible.

After binding the Ronghua(Velvet Flower) with brass wire, the velvet strips need to be cut

Figure 1

Twisting Wire

Stick some magnesium powder on your thumb and index finger (as shown in Figure 2)

Stick some magnesium powder on your thumb and index finger

Figure 2

Take a cut velvet strip, align both sides (as shown in Figure 3), and keep the brass wire in the middle of the line.

Take a cut velvet strip, align both sides

Figure 3

3. Hold it still with your left hand, and turn the brass wire with your right hand (as shown in Figure 4), so that the brass wire is straightened and twisted tightly.

Hold it still with your left hand, and turn the brass wire with your right hand

Figure 4

4. Twist the wire for the second time with the wire twisting board. Use tweezers or jewelry pliers to hold one end (you can also hold it directly with your hand, but it is easy to scratch your fingers in this way), and twist the other end with the wire twisting board a few times, generally three to five times will do (as shown in Figure 5)

twist the other end with the wire twisting board a few times, generally three to five times will do

Figure 5

5. After twisting with the wire twisting board, you can adjust it again with tweezers (as shown in Figure 6). After adjusting with tweezers, twist it lightly with your hand a few times (as shown in Figure 7), which can make the velvet strip more dense.

After twisting with the wire twisting board, you can adjust it again with tweezers

Figure 6

After adjusting with tweezers, twist it lightly with your hand a few times

Figure 7

Click here to see the more detailed video tutorial.


