Star Anise - Fullflowers

How to make Star Anise - Handcraft Ronghua Tutorial

Star Anise

Materials and Tools: Velvet strips, silk thread, single-headed stamens, hairpin, ruler, scissors, tweezers, clamping board, setting water, lighter.

The name "Star Anise" comes from Latin, meaning "star," as the small flowers with petals radiating from the stamens resemble a star. This flower shape requires sharpening both ends, so attention should be paid to the size and length of the velvet strips during the production process.


1                                                          2

1. Prepare 16 velvet strips, each 7 cm long, in a gradient of white to green.
2. Sharpen both ends, fold in half, and twist the brass wires at both ends together.

3                                                    4

3. Use the clamping board to flatten the folded velvet strips from bottom to top.
4. After spraying with setting water, clamp them again with the clamping board.

5                                                       6

5. Trim the shape.
6. Prepare 18-20 single-headed white stamens, which do not need to be folded in half when used.


7. Surround the stamens with petals, and assemble 8 petals in sequence using green silk thread.


8. Assemble the second layer of 8 petals.

9                                                        10

9. Wrap the base of the flower with silk thread.
10. Attach the flower to the hairpin.

11                                                        12

11. Knot and seal the end.
12. Adjust the flower shape with tweezers.


13. Finished.


